Optic Manufacture English
optic tooling 光学加工用的靠体等工装夹具
grinding 磨砂
polishing 抛光
fine polishing 精抛
high polishing 高抛
polishing machine 抛光机
polishing tool 抛光工具
polishing powder 抛光粉
polishing solution 抛光液
polishing cloth 抛光布
polishing paper 抛光纸
polishing mark 抛光痕
polishing plant 磨光工厂, 磨光车间
polishing section 抛光车间, 抛光工段
polishing shop 抛光车间[工段]
polishing treatment 抛光处理
flatness 平面度,面形(如λ/4)
surface figure 面形(如λ/4)
aperture 光圈,孔径
clear aperture 有效孔径
centration 偏心
specification n.详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范
inspection n.检测
criteria n.标准
performance n.性能
focal length 焦距
plano 平的
convex 凸的,表面凸起的
concave 凹的,凹面
plano lip 平台
OD (outside diameter) 外径
diameter n.直径
diameter tolerance 直径公差
reflection n.反射
refraction n.折射
reflective mirror 反射镜
index of refraction 折射率
CTE (coefficient of temperature expander) 热膨胀系数
scratch n.道子
dig n.点子
contamination n.污染物
chip n.崩边
radius n.曲率
surface quality 表面质量
mark n.印记
grease n.油脂
wax n.蜡
N.A (numeric aperture) 数值孔径
I.L (insertion loss) 插入损耗
loading 上盘(一般用于镀膜中,指产品上夹具)
unloading 下盘(一般用于镀膜中,指产品下夹具)
mounting 上盘(指上靠体等)
demounting 下盘
gelatinize 涂胶
coating 镀膜
cleaning 清洗
manufacture 加工
yield n.合格率,成品率
use as is 特认
cost n.成本
paraxial focal length 焦距误差(百分比形式)
plano-convex lenses 平凸透镜
plano-concave 平凹透镜
penta prisms 五角棱镜
cemented 胶合(指使用粘合剂)
cemented lenses 胶合透镜
optic bonding 光胶(指深化光胶)
optically contacted 光胶(指普通光胶)
wavefront distortion 波前畸变
polishing pad 抛光板(指高抛用聚氨酯板)
pitch polishing 抛光板(指用沥青做的抛光板)
pitch 沥青(指用于光学加工中做抛光板的沥青)
asphalt 沥青(指用于光学加工中上盘等其它环节用沥青)
grinding machine 磨床, 砂轮机, 研磨机, 磨针布机
grinding aid 助磨剂, 磨料
grinding compound 磨剂, 金刚砂
grinding allowance 磨削余量
grinding capacity 磨削容量
grinding contact 磨削接触
grinding disc 砂轮
grinding wheel 砂轮
grinding face (磨机)碾磨面, 磨削面
grinding machine operator 磨工
grinding sand 研磨(用)砂
grinding tool 磨削工具
grinding wheel truing 砂轮整形
truing of grinding wheel 修整砂轮 |