Quantitative Moisture Measurement with a Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer using Telecom Diode Lasers
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作 者:陈兵[1] 康鹏[1] 李建英[2] 贺晓雷[2] 刘安雯[1] 胡水明[1]
Bing Chen, Peng Kang, Jian-ying Li, Xiao-lei He, An-wen Liu Shui-ming Hua(a. Hefei National Laboratory #or Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Tech- nology of China, Hefei 230026, China b. Meteorological Observation Centre, China Meteorological Administration, Bei~ing 100081, China)
机构地区:[1]中国科学技术大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室筹,合肥230026 [2]中国气象局大气探测中心,北京100081
出 处:《化学物理学报》 CSCD 2015年第1期 6-10页,I0001页,共6页
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics
基 金:This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No.2013BAK12B00 and No.2013CB834602) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21225314 and No.21427804).
摘 要:搭建了一套基于光腔衰荡光谱技术的光学湿度计.通过测量水分子在1.35和1.56μm波段不同强度的吸收线,可测定水汽的相对含量,测量范围从10—0到低至10—12水平.通过与商用冷镜式露点仪的对比测量,对该装置的定量精度进行了检验.该系统所具备的高灵敏度使得水汽探测极限可达8pptv.
Moisture measurement is of great needs in semiconductor industry, combustion diagnosis, meteorology, and atmospheric studies. We present an optical hygrometer based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). By using different absorption lines of H20 in the 1.56 and 1.36 gm regions, we are able to determine the relative concentration (mole fraction) of water vapor from a few percent down to the 10-12 level. The quantitative accuracy is examined by comparing the CRDS hygrometer with a commercial chilled-mirror dew-point meter. The high sensitivity of the CRDS instrument allows a water detection limit of 8 pptv.
关键词:光腔衰荡 湿度 半导体激光光谱
Cavity ring down spectroscopy, Moisture, Trace detection, Diode laser ; |