Analysis and Application of Bamboo-wood Laser Marking Process
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作 者:李尧 张家骅 马玉莹
LI Yao, ZHANG Jia-hua, MA Yu-ying ( Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technology, Yixing Jiangsu 214206, China)
出 处:《林业机械与木工设备》 2015年第43卷第4期 34-36页,共3页
Forestry Machinery & Woodworking Equipment
基 金:2014年江苏省大学生创新项目(201413749014X)
摘 要:介绍了不同种类激光打标机的工作原理,就激光打标工艺参数对竹木材料加工结果的影响进行了分析。采用ME-50激光打标机和Ez Cad2软件,对竹木制品表面进行雕刻实验,最终得到适合竹木材料的激光打标工艺参数。
The working principle of laser marking machines of different kinds is process parameters on bamboo-wood processing result is analyzed. ME-50 laser introduced, and the effect of laser marking marking machine and EzCad2 software are used to conduct carving experiments on the surface of bamboo-wood products, finally obtaining the laser marking process pa- rameters suitable for bamboo-wood material.
关键词:激光打标 竹木材料 工艺参数
laser marking ; bmnboo-wood material ; process parameter ; |