! ARGO "This macro is export codev to zmeax"
! ARG0 "Writed by redflag 2005-02-27"
! ARG1 Name "Out put path:"
! ARG1 type STR
! ARG1 default ''
! ARG1 help "Where to write the zemax file?" ! Update On 2005-02-27 By redflag ! improve the asp coff.^10 now no error ocurr
lcl str ^cmd ^file ^file == #1 ver n
out n
wrl temp !////////////////////////process ASP D/////////////////////////////
! select buffer and read in lens data
^buf == 1
whi (buf.emp b^buf) = 0
^buf == ^buf+1
end whi buf imp b^buf lis 'temp.seq' buf lis b^buf buf mov b^buf i1 j1 buf fnd b^buf "D" whi (buf.fnd)
^x == (buf.str b^buf ic j2)
^x == substr(^x,1,lenstr(^x)-1)
wri ^x
^x == concat(^x," ")
buf put b^buf ic j2 ^x ^y == (buf.num b^buf ic+1 j1) ^z == num_to_str(^y)
buf put b^buf ic j3 ^z
buf del b^buf ic+1 buf fnd b^buf "D"
end whi buf exp b^buf 'temp.seq' !////////////////////////////////////////////// ^cmd == 'C:\zemax\seq2zmx\seq2zmx temp.seq ' !将[c:\]替换成你的ZEMAX安装路径,我是装在C根目录下的。
^cmd == concat(^cmd,^file)
sys ^cmd lib
del temp.seq
out y
ver y
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-28 13:31:44编辑过]