Optical Design for Off-axis All-reflective Schmidt System
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作 者:雷存栋[1,2] 郑列华[1] 车英[2]
LEI Cun-dong,ZHEN Lie-hua,CHE Ying( 1 Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China;2 School of Opto-Electronies Engineering ,Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China)
机构地区:[1]中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海200083 [2]长春理工大学光电工程学院,长春130022
出 处:《光子学报》 CSCD 2014年第11期 49-53页,共5页
Acta Photonica Sinica
基 金:国家重点基础研究发展计划(No.2011CB013206)资助
摘 要:为满足紫外宽光谱大视场焦平面光学成像系统的设计要求,研究了全反射施密特光学系统.分析了球面反射镜曲率中心波前,推导了透射及反射施密特校正板方程.为避免光线被遮挡,设计了离轴全反射施密特光学系统.在宽光谱(240~950nm)大视场(±5°)离轴全反射施密特系统中,当λ=0.24μm,u′m=5°时,Δf≤0.031 5mm,探测器控制在焦深范围内,光学系统成像质量达到了衍射极限.该施密特光学系统设计方法适用于宽波段高分辨率紫外成像系统.
In order to satisfy the optical imaging system of ultraviolet(UV)focal plane arrays with wide spectrum and large field of view design demands,all-reflective Schmidt system was studied.Based on wavefront analysis at the center of curvature of a spherical mirror,the equations of refractive and reflective Schmidt correctors were derived.For avoiding central obscuration,the off-axis all-reflective Schmidt system was established which was characterized by the 240nm~950nm wide spectrum and±5°field of view,the design results show that whenλ=0.24μm,u′m=5°,Δf≤0.031 5mm,the detection is in the depth of focus and the image quality reaches the diffraction limit.The optical design method for Schmidt system can be applied to the UV imaging system with high resolution and wide spectrum.
关键词:光学设计 成像系统 波前 望远镜 紫外探测 非球面 宽光谱 大视场 施密特系统
Optical design ; Imaging systems ; Wavefronts ; Telescopes ; Ultraviolet detectors ; Aspherics ; Wide spectrum ; Large field of view ; Schmidt system ; |