Research of the Crystalline Lens Model in Human Eye Optical System Based on Zemax Interface Technology
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作 者:孔梅梅
KONG Mei-mei (School of Opto-Electronic Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China)
出 处:《光子学报》 CSCD 2014年第12期 143-147页,共5页
Acta Photonica Sinica
基 金:国家自然科学基金(No.61302026)、江苏省自然科学基金(Nos.BK2012432,BK2011752)、江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(Nos.13KJB510025,11KJD140002)和南京邮电大学科研基金(Nos.NY209011、NY211102)资助;感谢感谢上海复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院眼视光中心的瞿小妹老师和南京中医药大学附属医院(江苏省中医院)眼科中心的丁淑华老师,在人眼实测参量方面给予的帮助.
摘 要:对人眼模型中晶状体的面型和折射率分布进行了研究,基于晶状体的光学特性,利用光学设计软件Zemax接口技术的调入,采用不同连续公式法分别给出了晶状体不同的梯度渐变折射率分布形式;结合晶状体不同的非球面面型,比较分析了晶状体不同面型和不同梯度折射率分布的组合模型对人眼模型重现实测像差的影响;给出了重现我国人眼实测像差误差最小的晶状体模型.结果显示:晶状体的面型越复杂得到人眼模型的像差与真实人眼的测量像差就越接近;当晶状体采用Zernike面,梯度渐变折射率采用分段函数公式形式时,重现实测像差误差最小.
Lens surface type and refractive index distribution of the crystalline lens model in eye optical model was researched. Based on the lens optical pproperties, the effect of different lens combined models on the human eye model to reproduce the measured eye aberrations was analyzed comparatively with Zemax interface technology. The lens combined models included different surface types and different gradient-index distributions by different continuous formulas. The lens model with the minuam reproduce precision was also presented. The results show that the aberrations of the eye model with complex lens suface is close to measured eye aberrations, the lens model with the minuam reproduce precision includs Zernike surface and gradient-index distribution by piecewise function formulas.
关键词:医用光学与生物技术 视觉光学 Zemax接口技术 晶状体模型 成像质量 光的折射 光学 设计 光学性能 折射率
Medical optics and biotechnology ; Visual optics ; Zemax interface technology ; Crystalline lens model ; Image quality ; Light refractiom Optical design ; Optical properties ; Refractive index ;